Today was my first official day of lecture, where I learned all about tripods, ball heads and small, medium and large format cameras. I am totally getting smarter already. I can feel it.
I also attended a 2 and a half hour lecture on bear safety. I can now tell you what an L plate is for your tripod, and the difference between black bear and grizzly bear tracks. It was a good day.
Yesterday was a long day of going over curriculum, rules, directions, where to park, etc. so I was really glad to dive in today. I've already met a lot of really great people, and I've been more social and introduced myself to more people in a short period of time than I think I ever have. Yesterday Arno from Finland and I sat together at lunch. We discussed the health care system in Finland. He gets to go to the dentist for $10. Sometimes it pays to be Finnish.
I don't have much to show for myself yet, but I'm sure I'll have lots of projects coming up. I will also have my own "professional level," hosted website for the time that I'm here. It's not quite up and running yet, but when it is that is where I will put most of my shots. The site is:
Creative, no?
As it is almost midnight and I have a long day ahead, that's all for now. Pictures to come soon...