Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Chopped it.

No more hair.


Unknown said...

oh!!! it's cute! YOU'RE CUTE! but, alas, this is no surprise!
I always love your hair no matter what length or style.

how is school?
learning lots?
can you make me look about 40 pounds lighter and 20 years younger with any of your photographic skills? if so...YOU'RE HIRED!

i love and miss you.

krisjane said...

So cute!!!! You have the look of a stylin' photographer!!!! :) I love it!!

Kristen said...

Um, now we can't hang out anymore because I'll feel like the ugly stepsister to all your gorgeousness. It was nice while it lasted, but I always had a feeling this day would come... :)

Meg said...


Melanie said...

love the haircut ... I have been trying to get the guts to chop my hair off for a year now. Glad to see someone has to courage to just go for it.